Building Diverse
Tech Leadership

Equip tech-and-business-skilled professionals with ready-to-use tactics and tools to effectively manage both projects and people.

The Next Emerging Leaders Cohort Starts in September 2024

This ten-week program offers interactive training to enhance understanding of leadership in the 21st century. Participants explore self-leadership and leading teams, concluding with a capstone project reflecting their leadership aspirations. All participants will receive digital credentials.

JOIN US on AUGUST 1st for virtual info session about the program: REGISTER HERE

Fall 2024 Emerging Leaders Cohort Dates:

Weekly on Thursdays
September 19, 2024 – November 21, 2024

Cohort gatherings will take place weekly, for a total of ten sessions.

Sessions will take place from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. EST except for the first & last session.

Program Cost per person: $2,950                 Deadline to APPLY is August 30th

Leadership Academy Overview

Is your organization frequently challenged when it comes to retaining and advancing mid-level talent–especially diverse talent?ᅠ Our program benefits the Indiana tech ecosystem by increasing the leadership capacity for all levels of leaders from emerging to executive level with an emphasis on individuals from underrepresented communities.ᅠ

In-Person Networking

Participants will network in-person and build relationships with both our experienced session facilitators and each other.ᅠ

Esteemed Mentors

Participants will network with diverse panelists and speakers who will share real-life experiences, management approaches, and solutions from their deep experience working in tech and tech-enabled organizations.

Hands-On Projects

Participants will bring a real-life, work-related professional development project to complete throughout the program, culminating in a capstone presentation to the cohort.

Personal Coaching

Participants will receive coaching and mentoring support for their development project via afternoon sessions focused on projects and participant-identified topics.

As we work together – individually and organizationally – to advance Indiana’s tech economy and workforce for the future, it is critical that we operate with dedication and intentionality to ensure opportunity is accessible and available for all Hoosiers. TechPoint is committed to undertaking the continual learning, self-reflection, and adaptation necessary to provide the long-term leadership for our ecosystem to fully address inequity, embrace diversity, model inclusion, and foster belonging for all.

— TechPoint Diversity Statement —

Learning Goals for Participants

Find Your “Why” and Lead Authentically

  • Differentiate between management and leadership
  • Build self-knowledge via tools and self-reflection; and, learn how to work effectively with others
  • Build confidence in management abilities and conquer self-doubt
  • Learn and practice effective time management and prioritization skills
  • Practice strategies for self-care, personal health, and well-being

Communication, Collaboration, and Project Management

  • Learn to cast a vision and gain buy-in from a team and other stakeholders
  • Learn and practice communication techniques for difficult conversations
  • Learn the language of technology and the language of business and how to translate between the two
  • Learn strategies for building and maintaining positive relationships with leaders and peers, especially when conflicts arise
  • Analyze the benefits of different project management approaches and learn best practices to ensure project success
  • Practice effective presentation, facilitation, and public speaking skills Embrace the power of networking

Communication, Collaboration, and Project Management

  • Learn to cast a vision and gain buy-in from a team and other stakeholders
  • Learn and practice communication techniques for difficult conversations
  • Learn the language of technology and the language of business and how to translate between the two
  • Learn strategies for building and maintaining positive relationships with leaders and peers, especially when conflicts arise
  • Analyze the benefits of different project management approaches and learn best practices to ensure project success
  • Practice effective presentation, facilitation, and public speaking skills Embrace the power of networking

Management and Leadership

  • Learn what an emotionally intelligent leader looks like and practice strategies for leading with emotional intelligenceᅠ
  • Learn how to hire the right talent for a team
  • Effectively manage performance throughout the employee lifecycle
  • Learn how to build and foster an inclusive environment where all voices are welcomed and heard
  • Learn techniques for building engagement, creativity, and innovation on a team

2024 Emerging Leaders Cohort Schedule

  • Learning Styles Assessment
  • Develop Your Own Leadership Philosophy and Career Plan
  • Panel Discussion: Tech Leadership Pathways: Navigating Personal Obstacles
  • The Power of Influence: Traits of Admired Leaders
  • Discussion of Individual Capstone Projects
  • Authentic Self-Confidence and Conquering Self-Doubt as a Leader w/ Alex Perry
  • Panel Discussion: Imposter Syndrome, Time Prioritization, “Manager Burnout”
  • Work-Life Integration
  • Establishing Trust in a Team: Character vs Competence
  • Leading with Empathy
  • Setting Expectations and Common Vision
  • Crucial Conversations / Styles Under Stress
  • Languages of Appreciation: Creating a Spirit of Community
  • Panel: Difficult Conversations and Political Situations as a Manager
  • Emotional Intelligence w/ Dennis Trinkle
  • Responding vs Reacting
  • Building Inclusive Teams w/ Kristen Lampkin
  • Panel: Building a Culture of Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging
  • Introspective: Discovering The Power of Introverts
  • Leading Change w/ Stefanie Krievins
  • The Importance of Mindset in Goal Attainment
  • Creating a Culture of Ownership: Accountability and Expectations
  • Building Authentic Connections: Networking
  • Telling Your Career Story
  • Panel: The Power of Networking
  • Panel Discussion: Most Challenging Aspects of Managing Performance
  • Capstone Prep Time
  • Individual Presentations
  • Celebration and Graduation

The program will cultivate in a graduation and individual Capstone Project:
Individuals will work on a capstone project throughout the program that is related to a career goal in tech connected to their leadership philosophy. Participants will have coaching and consulting support to discuss this project during the program. All participants will receive digital credentials for completing the program.

Meet Our Speakers and Panelists

Ready to Get Started?

Complete the form below, or contact us at with questions.

JOIN US on AUGUST 1st for virtual info session about the program: REGISTER HERE

Fill out my online form.