Flexibility in Leadership
Event Details
Sponsored by: More than ever, we are being called not just to adapt, but to be
Event Details
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More than ever, we are being called not just to adapt, but to be flexible in our leadership. So what is flexibility? This workshop will explore three types of flexibility– cognitive, emotional, and dispositional, and will outline key action steps that leaders can implement with their teams, and themselves.
Learning Objectives
- The difference between adaptability and flexibility
- Three different types of flexibility
- What flexibility looks like in action
- How to apply the concepts to your team
This program is ideal for: all in management/supervisory positions; particular those who are newer, or who are grappling with how to best support their teams
About Our Facilitator
Erika Petrelli Bayh has been in people-development for more than 25 years, currently as The Leadership Program’s Senior Vice President of Leadership Development (& self-declared Minister of Mischief). She worked at the helm of Leadership’s central programming for more than a decade, overseeing its largest expansion, and now trains key leadership skills to professionals across the country—as a keynote speaker and featured presenter at conferences, a trainer and coach within organizations, and a leadership-whisperer to individuals. She also blogs regularly and wrote an interactive journal, On Wings & Whimsy: Finding the Extraordinary Within the Ordinary, available on Amazon. Whether from a conference stage, behind a pen, or in one-on-one conversation, the legacy Erika strives to create daily is to be the runway upon which others take flight.
March 7, 2023 11:30 am - 1:00 pm