Inclusive Leadership Development

Our Mission: Shafer Leadership Academy provides Inclusive Leadership development so that people, organizations and communities reach their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Our mission calls upon us to provide Inclusive Leadership development so that people, organizations, and communities reach their full potential.
  • We’re committed to creating a welcoming environment for everyone involved.
  • We see differences in worldviews, identities, or experiences as a valuable learning opportunity.
  • “Inclusive Leadership” means recognizing biases, welcoming diverse perspectives, and working collaboratively.
  • We work with emerging and existing leaders to embrace and implement these beliefs into their own personal leadership journey.
  • Our ambassador program focuses on populations that are historically underrepresented in attending our programs and/or holding leadership positions in the community.
  • If you have suggestions or would like to apply/volunteer for the ambassador program, please contact us:
  • Of our 50+ community programs annually, 20% are focused on Inclusive Leadership topics.
  • None of our programs are required to maintain good standing.
  • Oftentimes we are hired to facilitate custom Inclusive Leadership programs where they can be tailored the the unique needs of the organization.
  • We also offer coaching services to aid our members in navigating Inclusive Leadership concerns or initiatives.
  • We use an intentional proposal process to select programs that reflect our values.
  • We model inclusiveness by inviting varied voices to the table and embracing our differences.
  • We value diversity in program topics and invite everyone to submit a program proposal.