All Aboard: Board Leadership in Motion

2021thu06may5:30 pmthu7:30 pmAll Aboard: Board Leadership in Motion5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Event Details

All Aboard: Board Leadership in Motion is a two-hour virtual workshop ideal for individuals who have a desire to serve on a not-for-profit board but want to learn more about what serving as a board member entails, and how to find the potential board opportunity that suits their interests and skill sets.

This session is a partnership with the United Way of Delaware County and sponsored in-part by: Stallings Wealth Management

Participant Takeaways

  • An understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a not-for-profit board member
  • How to determine board opportunities that match interests, skills, & desired level of commitment
  • Guidance on how to be an effective board member
  • Insight on how to find potential board member opportunities
  • Descriptions of board member opportunities currently available in the area

Who Should Attend?

All Aboard is ideal for individuals who have a desire to serve on a not-for-profit board but want to learn more about what serving as a board member entails and how to find the potential board opportunity that suits their interests and skill sets.


Thanks to our generous sponsors, All Aboard is available for free.

About Our Facilitator:

Our presenter is Dave Sternberg, Senior Partner of the Indianapolis and Ft. Lauderdale based firm of Loring, Sternberg & Associates, provides fundraising and governance consulting services to nonprofits.

Dave Sternberg has been a nonprofit professional since obtaining a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University. Today, he is a member of the faculty at the Lilly School of Philanthropy’s Fund Raising School, a BoardSource senior governance consultant, and an independent consultant with Loring, Sternberg and Associates.

For The Fund Raising School, Dave teaches “Developing Annual Sustainability, Principles and Technique of Fundraising” and “Developing Major Gifts,” as well as numerous customized training programs nationally and internationally. As a BoardSource consultant, Dave provides counsel on such topics as strategic planning and fundraising. His clients describe him as a gifted strategist, adept at assessing and identifying solutions for organizational and board challenges, and brutally honest.

He is the only person in America to hold a position with both Board Source and the Fund Raising School.


May 6, 2021 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm