Engagement Quotient: The New EQ for the Workplace
Event Details
Virtual Workshop 2-Part Series This session will jump start your confidence, networking and leadership potential. Session #1: Wednesday Dec 16 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Session #2: Thursday Dec 17 2:00 PM –
Event Details
Virtual Workshop 2-Part Series
This session will jump start your confidence, networking and leadership potential.
Session #1:
Wednesday Dec 16
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
Session #2:
Thursday Dec 17
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
This session will be an interactive look at how best to understand your value, how to engage with others by leveraging that value and ways to become more engaged in your work and personal life as a result. Despite being in a digital world with high connectivity, employee engagement is down and mental health issues are up. Dr. Anna Stumpf finds those two issues to be directly related to how we view and present ourselves. This session will utilize personality profiles, tips on meaningful engagement with others that could inspire you, and a to do list for getting more engaged after this conference.
Learning Objectives
Participants will be able to articulate their personal brand value through honing in on personality assessments and other resources as a foundation for engagement with their networks, colleagues and in personal relationships.
About Our Facilitator
Dr. Anna Stumpf is a Professor of Sport, Social Media and Brand Marketing at the graduate and undergraduate level. After a decade long management career with Wal-Mart, she pursued a Master of Arts in Teaching and began an eight year career as a high school business teacher. Though teaching high school was rewarding, Dr. Stumpf felt that she had more business experience to offer and earned an MBA which allowed her to transition into the collegiate classroom. Dr. Stumpf’s approach to any classroom is simple: “I pride myself on never having a student in any seat in any classroom ever wonder ‘when will I ever use this?’ It is my passion to answer that question before they think of it”. Her current passion is bridging the gap between our connected world where we are losing connectivity. Not only with one another through the advantages of networking. Today, it seems more people were also losing touch with their own value propositions and Dr. Stumpf has a passion for speaking into that
December 16, 2020 2:00 pm - December 17, 2020 3:30 pm